Social Security for Married Couples

Qualified workers and retirees who are married may receive Social Security benefits. The Social Security Administration does not prevent two enrollees in the same household from receiving benefits simultaneously. Each person who has worked and contributed to the system is entitled to receive benefits back if they have qualified. This may be through their own merits or their spouse’s.

As with most government programs the rules may seem complex, but generally are pretty straight forward. If you qualify for benefits and enroll through your local Social Security office, you can begin collecting funds. If your spouse does, then they can enroll and receive funds. If you both do, then you can both enroll and receive benefits.

Can a married couple both draw Social Security?

A wise retirement strategy for married couples is to have both qualify for and enroll in the social security program at retirement. It is encouraged for both individuals in a marriage to collect their own Social Security benefits. Each individual must simply need to meet the Social Security eligibility requirements to receive funding including, being within the acceptable retirement age, and having worked hours, and earned enough credits to qualify for support.

Social Security for Married Couples and Non-Working Spouses

So what if one of the spouses in a married couple did not work enough to receive social security benefits on their own? If this is your situation, you may be pleased to learn that you or your spouse may still be eligible to receive benefits. This comes through your spouse’s Social Security benefits. Of course, this assumes that your spouse qualifies for Social Security and is enrolled in the program before you can receive his or her benefits.

Is there a maximum Social Security benefit for married couples?

Yes, there is a maximum benefit for married couples referred to as the family maximum benefit. This term describes the maximum benefits that families can receive from a single individual’s work history. In addition to spousal benefits, this amount also considers survivor and disability benefits that come from that individual’s credits. Families’ maximum Social Security benefits can vary. Usually, the amount of benefits a household can collect is between 150 and 180 percent of the full retirement benefits for the worker If you have more questions, refer to your Social Security statement and consider setting up a my Social Security account.