This page provides a list of Social Security office locations in Tucson, Arizona. Select one of the office locations below to get the Social Security office hours, phone number and driving directions. They can help you with questions or issues regarding your retirement benefits and you can schedule an appointment, if necessary.
Depending on the reason for your Tucson Social Security Office visit, you may need to bring documentation such as:
Your birth certificate
Your passport or other proof of United States citizenship or legal US residency
Your Social Security Card
Proof of address such as a utility bill and perhaps,
A bank statement and/or proof of income
Be Prepared! You don’t want to go stand in line at the SSA office only to have to reschedule. If you’re unsure as to what you’ll need to bring to your appointment, then just call your Social Security Office in Tucson to be sure.
Even in large cities, there are only a few Social Security Offices. Choose the one nearest you from the list below.
Tucson, Arizona 85713, United States
Tucson, Arizona 85719, United States